インドネシアバザール開会式 大使夫人にmagnoをご紹介させていただきました

『インドネシアバザール』 at ROUTE CAFE AND THINGS、開会式にお邪魔いたしました。バリのお祭り飾りで飾られた会場は、とっても華やかで、インドネシアの仮面舞踊、ガムラン、影絵芝居「ワヤンクリ」、と、すっかりインドネシアへショートトリップした1日でした!
会場あちこちにいた可愛いオランウータンたちの中から1人を、いつでもこのつながりと、インドネシアの風景を思い出せるよう、を magnoオフィスにお迎えしました!
I visited the opening ceremony of The “Indonesia Bazaar” at ROUTE CAFE AND THINGS at Tokyo. The venue decorated with Balinese festival decorations was very gorgeous. There are programs of Indonesian masquerade, gamelan, and shadow play “Wayankuri”. It was a day of a short trip to Indonesia.
I also had the valuable opportunity to introduce magno to Mrs. Nuning Akhmadi, spouse of Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia. We really sympathized with the importance of not only making things, but also planting trees and leaving materials for the next generation. In addition, I appreciate about a photo of magno was posted in the article on the embassy website.
Indonesia, which consists of 14,000 islands, has various cultures. It’s called “Campur culture”. “Campur” means “mix” in Indonesian. There is a similar word in Okinawa and I feel the relationship of Asia.
I welcomed one of the cute orangutans from the venue to my house so that we can always remember this connection and the scenery of Indonesia!
We are very grateful to everyone who invite to magno for this event and planned and operated it. Thank you very much.
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